The Power of Chanting with Qi Flow

The Power of Chanting with Qi Flow

Using the power of sound in meditation to bring about healing has been used since the beginning of time. Even the Big Bang was basically the first sound in the universe. Sound is filled with vibrations and frequencies that can bring warmth and light to your body.

Qigong Enhanced for the 21st Century

Understand Spring Forest Qigong.

Transition to Fall Season - Earth Energy Grounding and Nourishing

As this season of summer closes and the Fall Equinox is just one month away, you are feeling what is called ‘the highest yang’ of the year in your small Universe.

Energize Your Qigong Practice

Energize Your Qigong Practice

Do you know what E=mc2 means? For many of us “non-scientific” types, this was a complicated equation to understand in school, but as Master Chunyi Lin has taught us, we can keep things simple and still have great understanding of theories and concepts. For example, Einstein’s theory basically tells us that “mass and energy are essentially equivalent”. This simply means, energy does not go away but rather can change form.

Harmony in the Family

Harmony in the Family

We generally relate the term harmony to music. And we all can feel when the harmony flows easily. But what happens when the music becomes disharmonious? How do we attune ourselves to a frequency filled with light and beauty?

The Power of Visualization: Becoming the Superhero You Are

The Power of Visualization: Becoming the Superhero You Are

You are driving down the road and the car ahead of you has a bumper sticker that says, “Be in the Light”. You turn on the radio and someone is talking about “healing in the light”. It seems everyone nowadays is talking about the “Light”, but what exactly is this light and what does it look like?

Strengthening Our Relationship with the Universe

By reaching the point of stillness through meditation, we can better understand the lessons that the Universe has to offer us.

Strengthening Your Kidney Energy and Vitality

The importance of protecting and strengthening your kidney energy and vitality. There are several qigong and qi~ssge tips that can be very beneficial for your kidneys and vitality.

Releasing Stress at its Roots with Qigong

Releasing Stress at its Roots with Qigong

There is so much talk in today’s world about the effects of stress on our mental, physical, and emotional health. Headaches, muscle tension, chest pain, fatigue, stomach disturbances, and sleep problems are just a few of the symptoms linked to stress. Some studies have shown stress to be a significant factor in the development of heart disease, and even cancer. Stress can have a physical source (like holding the same poor posture for long periods of time), a mental source (thinking too much), or an emotional source (such as constant or excessive anger, frustration, anxiety, sadness, or depression). In the U.S., post-traumatic stress-disorder (P.T.S.D.) has now become a common diagnosis — it is no longer considered just a military-related condition.

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