Learn & Practice Spring Forest Qigong with your Community


Monthly FREE Event, Now ONLINE!

Join us every month, as a special guest speaker, shares with you their personal insights into the practice of Spring Forest Qigong.  SFQ is more than just movements and meditations, it is a way to enhance the quality of your life!

This is one of the many ways we give our love back to our community.


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Upcoming Qi Talk

With Qigong Master Gadu Doushin  | "Hikari: Be the Light for the World"

Join Spring Forest Qigong Master Gadu Doushin LIVE on Saturday, August 3rd @ 9:00 am US Central Time as he talks about being a light for the world and using our Qigong training to serve the world as our shared community.

Spring Forest Qigong Grand Master Chunyi Lin says that through our Qigong practice, we become Love Radiators, and that it is our job to bring light to the world.  

In his Qi Talk, Master Gadu will talk about how to be the light for the world in your daily life by changing your attitude and perception about your life, and how by coming together as one community, we can change the world. 

He will also guide all the participants in a global healing meditation.







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