Notice: Spring Forest Qigong is not currently accepting any new applications for any levels of Certification for the year 2024




An Impassioned Teacher


Is your life mission to educate and empower others with healing wisdom?


As a Spring Forest Qigong Certified Trainer, you are considered the key to helping others unlock their own healing wisdom.

Through mastering ancient qigong techniques and wisdom, you have the knowledge through essential training, to teach others to heal themselves and to inspire your community.

You are a beacon of light, guiding your students on a path of greater health, wellbeing, and personal growth.

As a highly regarded professional, your certification is a symbol of integrity and credibility, and lets the world know you are held to the highest standards.

You have the gift of being a teacher. Let Spring Forest Qigong help you shine by polishing your teaching ability and Qigong skills for you to confidently step forward as a leader in your community with the Certified Trainer Program.

Terry Leer, Spring Forest Qigong Certified Trainer

Terry Leers, Spring Forest Qigong Certified Trainer





Benefits of Becoming a Spring Forest Qigong Certified Trainer


aMASTERING SPRING FOREST QIGONG TECHNIQUES AND DEVELOPING TRUE CONFIDENCE: With in-depth Qigong study, this program will strengthen your ability as a teacher, so that you can go into your classroom securely knowing that your students will walk away with a deep understanding that they are born a healer.


bBE FINANCIALLY REWARDED DOING WORK THAT SPIRITUALLY FULFILS YOU: Not only can spreading health and wellness be immensely satisfying to your heart, but it is also important to satisfy your own financial needs to be able to continue to serve your community.


cBE A PARTNER WITH SPRING FOREST QIGONG: SFQ provides extensive administrative and marketing support, to empower you to do what you do best, being an impassioned teacher.

dPOSITION YOURSELF AS AN AUTHORITY: Through your active teaching, you are continuing to build a strong presence as a Qigong expert. Today, Qigong is the fastest growing healing modality in the world. By becoming an SFQ Certified Trainer, you are a part of this expanding shift in consciousness.


eBE A TRUSTED PROFESSIONAL: Whether it’s to compliment your existing credentials or to prove credibility and mastery of Spring Forest Qigong, this certification gives your teaching a polished level of professionalism. Your credibility is greatly enhanced by certification through a licensed private school through the Minnesota Office of Higher Education.


fBRING MASTER LIN'S VISION TO YOUR PART OF THE WORLD: Master Lin’s vision of “A healer in every home and a world without pain and suffering” can only be reached through teachers like you. It takes many trees to make a forest, and that is how Spring Forest Qigong can impact the world.





Spring Forest Qigong Certified ProfessionalI love being a Certified Spring Forest Qigong Trainer, it helps me to share the foundations of SFQ with others in my community as well as spread the awareness of qigong in Edmonton. This qualification has also added authenticity to my being a SFQ practitioner and opened door to many opportunities to share SFQ. I am slowing creating a profitable business by helping others reclaim their inner healer.

- Carolynne Melnyk, Spring Forest Qigong Certified Trainer






Developing the Next Generation of Qigong Teachers and Healers


By being a SFQ Certified Trainer, you are helping future teachers and healers to begin their own journey in becoming a Spring Forest Qigong Certified Professional. You are not only a teacher, you are a valued mentor and coach for those students who are walking in your footsteps.





SFQ is Fully Committed to Your Success


Teacher’s Curriculum Materials: You will receive the Level 1 Powerpoint Presentation, Professional Teaching Manual, Class Agenda Templates, and Student Handouts.


Teacher Development Tools to expand your Qigong knowledge and teaching wisdom: Connection with other SFQ professionals through the private Facebook group, in addition to ongoing educational opportunities through SFQ.


Professional Marketing Solutions: Not only do you have access to beautifully designed marketing materials for your on-ground marketing, the corporate office of SFQ will provided extensive marketing of your registered class through our website, expansive email list, social media presence, and monthly newsletter.


Enhance your visibility: Be featured at live events as a teacher or speaker. You can also showcase your healing and teaching stories in our monthly newsletter and on our website.

No Need to Hire and Build a Costly Business Infrastructure: SFQ will provide administrative backroom support and customer service including; processing student enrollment and fees, email and phone customer service support for your students, pre and post class engagement email campaigns, and issuance of students’ feedback surveys and certificates of attendance.


Tried and True Partnership Business Model: Retain 80% of class revenue and pay only a nominal 20% royalty fee for use of SFQ licensed material


Access to wholesale pricing and Discounts: Including Spring Forest Qigong brand learning materials and discounts to select classes and retreats for continuous personal development.






Take a Quiz to Learn If This Certification is Right for You





Download the Certified Trainer Portfolio and Start Building Your Qigong Career Today


This is the first step to start your Qigong teaching career.

This portfolio will help you understand the certification requirements and help you manage your progress.

Completion of this self-directed portfolio is required to attend the 2-Day in-person certification training.





Case Study - Misa Tsuyoshi, Spring Forest Qigong Certified Professional


We would like to introduce you to one of Spring Forest Qigong’s Certified Professionals - Misa. Misa lives in a small city in the suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She came to Spring Forest Qigong as a Tai Chi instructor, but it was a significant health challenge which brought her to Spring Forest Qigong to learn how qigong could help her in her own healing journey. Her personal experience recovering from a major illness and surgery helped her realize this simple fact - when both the physical and mental energy are balanced, self-healing and recovery takes place faster and more completely. She saw first-hand how the simplest movements have such great power in healing.

Misa began her Spring Forest Qigong career in May 2017, becoming one of the very first Certified Trainers through Spring Forest Qigong’s new school – Energy Healing International. It took Misa a little time to step out of her comfort zone and into her confidence of being a Spring Forest Qigong teacher but once she taught that first class in Milwaukee, in February 2018, she taught five (5) Spring Forest Qigong for Health classes (Level 1). Within her first year of teaching, with a total of 43 happy students leaving her classes with the knowledge that they “are born a healer”. Since she started teaching, Misa realized that her job is to make it easy for each person to find and strengthen his or her uniqueness by helping both the body and mind energy to be balanced and nurtured. This way, she believes, everyone will experience one’s optimal health and happiness.

Not only did Misa help her students learn how to help heal themselves, which is invaluable in and of itself, she also generated the needed financial support to continue her work. This is how it worked for her: She determined a location, the date and the price for her class. When she submitted that information to Spring Forest Qigong (SFQ), SFQ marketed her class by creating a webpage on the SFQ website, sent out direct emails to SFQ’s email list, reaching thousands of people that would not have been possible for Misa to reach on her own. Her class was also promoted in SFQ’s Qi-Full Living monthly newsletter. SFQ also took care of student registrations and payments so that Misa could focus on preparing herself to be the best teacher possible for her students by accessing and studying all the teaching materials in the Toolbox for Success that is provided to every Spring Forest Qigong Teaching Professional. Her very first class had 16 students and $2,384.00 in gross revenue. After paying her 20% royalty fee to SFQ, venue rental and miscellaneous costs for holding her class, her income was more than enough to cover the training cost of $799.00 and lodging/commuting she spent to attend the Certified Trainer training. Once Misa completed her class, SFQ sent her a check and she them had money in the bank to grow her business!

Misa saw the impact on her Level 1 students and wanted to do more for her students and the communities she serves. Her teaching has brought her to greater understanding of herself and her life and soul purpose. She continued to learn and grow by practicing, taking classes, and teaching. In less than two years, she went on to become a Spring Forest Qigong Certified Healer and the highest level of certification – a Spring Forest Qigong Certified Instructor. Since she continues to invest in herself with higher certifications, she can now teach other advanced Spring Forest Qigong trainings (Level 2 and Level 3). By stepping out and working in partnership with Spring Forest Qigong to market her classes and enroll new students, Misa has personally trained 62 students in her Level 1 classes in her first 2 ½ years as an SFQ Certified Professional. By working in partnership with Spring Forest Qigong, she was able to generate income and invest into her advanced certification training.

As a Certified Qigong Instructor, Misa became a part of the SFQ extended leadership team, creating an impactful business in her community, nurturing and training new SFQ teachers and healers, and sharing the power of Spring Forest Qigong as a community leader forwarding Master Lin’s vision of “teachers teaching teachers...”. She was awarded the Trainer of the Year recognition from Spring Forest Qigong in 2018 for her dedication to spread the word that everyone is born a healer. From the growing number of students she has taught, Misa is also able to naturally develop a strong client-base for a robust Qigong healing business.



Certified Qigong Instructor Misa Tsuyoshi The Certified Trainer training taught me not only how to teach, provided the wisdom from the masters but gave the experience of how it FEELS to teach others--- then it became confidence. Learning the business portion and having the tools to keep the quality of what I do have been helping me to walk toward a successful SFQ professional. To this day and beyond I am and will be grateful for being guided by the masters/faculty members as well as meeting other trainers. I also remember the CEO Debra Lin said, "You are my babies."---I felt the love. And her words are true since I have been supported and nurtured, always.
- Misa Tsuyoshi, Spring Forest Qigong Certified Trainer, Healer, and Instructor





The Spring Forest Qigong Certified Professional Paths


Click the image to download







Certified Qigong Trainer Details





After you have completed the pre-requisites, you can submit your application for entrance into the Spring Forest Qigong Certified Trainer program.

Once we receive your application, we will verify that you have met the prerequisites. If all prerequisites have been completed, you will receive another email from us with further instructions to access the pre-training learning materials and online exams.

If you have not met the prerequisites, you will receive an email informing you of what further action is needed from you.



  • Must pass Teaching Professionals Ethics Exam
  • Must pass Certified Trainer Knowledge Exam
  • Attend 2-day Certification Class in person or 5-part Online Certification Class
  • Must pass Certified Trainer Demonstration Evaluation

Spring Forest Qigong Certified Trainer FAQ


I have not completed all the required courses yet and I am planning on completing them in the near future, can I still take the training class?

All requirements need to be completed prior to taking the training class


Do I have to teach Spring Forest Qigong Level One class after I am certified?

Yes, a Certified Trainer must have taught a minimum three (3) qualifying Level One for Health classes during the three (3) year certification period.


I have a ton of experience with Spring Forest Qigong, can I teach Level Two and beyond?

No. Unless you are a Certified Instructor, who can teach Level One, Two, and Three. If you are certified as a Spring Forest Qigong Certified Trainer, you can teach Level One. If you want to teach classes beyond Level One, we encourage you to seek certification for Certified Instructors.


Do I have to offer the class via Spring Forest Qigong? What if I don't want to?

Yes, once you decided to teach Spring Forest Qigong Level One as a Certified Qigong Trainer, Spring Forest Qigong will help you set up the class enrollment via our website.


How do you promote me and my classes?

By sending 2 Geographic emails a month to those in your area (excluding on-line classes), monthly Upcoming Classes email, monthly Qi~full Living Newsletter, and by listing your class on the website.


How do I submit my classes so Spring Forest Qigong can advertise for me?

Through the online form.

Do I have to look for the teaching venue myself?

Yes. You should use your contacts and knowledge of your community to help you find a space.


I want to charge less than Spring Forest Qigong when teaching level one, can I do that?

All class costs will have a minimum charge when offered via Spring Forest Qigong.


How long is my certification good for?

Your certification will be valid for three years before needing to be re-certified.


What is the re-certification process?

You will not be required to complete the entire certification course. Instead, you will need to attend a one-day recertification class.


If my certification lapses, do I have to start over?

No. Your Spring Forest Qigong class work will still count. But you must retake the certification class at the level you were certified in to be re-instated.


Do I have to have a 4-year college degree?

Not for Level One Trainer. If you are interested in becoming a Certified Instructor, you will be required to have a 4-year college degree or a SFQ will arrange for you to complete a Spring Forest Qigong Bachelor Equivalency transcript.




All Spring Forest Qigong Certified Professionals are required to uphold the highest standards of ethics and behavior.

Spring Forest Qigong reserves the right to revoke any certification if a Certified Professional takes actions that reflect unfavorably on Spring Forest Qigong and/or engages in unlicensed use of the Spring Forest Qigong brand name and Spring Forest Qigong copyrighted material anywhere in the world. If you are unsure of the appropriate use of the Spring Forest Qigong brand name, please contact .

If you believe a Spring Forest Qigong Certified Professional has exhibited unethical behavior, please contact . To report suspected unlicensed use of the Spring Forest Qigong brand name, please email to: .


At Spring Forest Qigong, we hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards. We expect our certified professionals to clearly understand and act with the ethical standards of Spring Forest Qigong practice as they serve their clients and students. You will be required to take and pass an annual on-line Ethics exam to maintain your certification. This exam is at no cost to you.

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