A Month of Transition

June - A Month of Transition

Be joyful and let your heart blossom and flourish. Summer is a great time to get outdoors, be active, be involved, get your toes in the earth, and get grounded.

Qigong and Fertility

Qigong Babies? A Podcast Features Qigong Master Chunyi Lin

"Qigong is a ancient Chinese scientific study of the power of Qi in the body and the universe; and how to use this power to benefit all aspects of lives. The Qi is a form of intelligence and a form of life force." - Master Chunyi Lin

Relax and Rejuvenate with Simple Qi~ssage

Relax and Rejuvenate with Simple Qi~ssage

Qi~ssage is a wonderful way to stimulate key energy points in our body, help you direct the transformation of your body’s energy for the better, and help undo any blockages that you may be experiencing.

Alignment with Your Soul Purpose

Alignment with Your Soul Purpose

The body is intelligent, and it knows how to heal itself. All it needs sometimes is help balancing its energy: this is what the meditations and healing movements do, and this is how the healer helps.

The Energy of Gratitude and Appreciation

The Energy of Gratitude and Appreciation

When that happens, emotionally, people often feel kind of lonely or sad, or depressed. Thanksgiving is a great healing time to help to balance this energy through gratitude and appreciation.

Spiritual Growth in Winter

Spiritual Growth in Winter

Make the time to meditate and feel your master’s energy. This is a great time to connect your mind with your heart to go even deeper into the spiritual energy and allow the unconditional love within you and from your master to resonate together with the divine.

Traveling the Roads of the Small Universe

If you are already familiar with Spring Forest Qigong, you know that Small Universe is one of the most important meditations we do. Master Lin recommends that his students and clients practice it every day. But why? 

Preparing Your Body for Winter

Preparing Your Body for Winter

This is the time to focus more on building your kidney energy. Your kidney energy is the source of your vitality and longevity. Protecting and strengthening your kidneys, your vitality energy, is so important this time of year. It will not only help keep you healthy and strong during winter but will also prepare your body for the more active times of spring and summer.

An Animal a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: Life Lessons from Our Animal Friends

An Animal a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: Life Lessons from Our Animal Friends

In recent years, the use of “therapy” and “companion” animals has become commonplace. For those of us who are guardians of an animal, bird or reptile, we know we feel better by spending time with our non-human friends, and research is proving that there are some significant emotional and physical health benefits from spending time with animals. If we sit back and observe, we can learn some valuable lessons from our pets, many of which mirror the practices of Spring Forest Qigong.

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