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How would you like your name and the challenges you are facing now, to be in front of Master Lin and the Tibetan Monks for 7 Days, as they chant and send blessings for you personally for the year 2025?

Special Offer!

Even though this event is FREE for everyone to join, if you or your loved ones would like to receive even more personalized healing attention for yourself, and your loved ones, outside of the 7 Free Guided Sessions, consider this offer…  

Receive Additional Personalized Healing

Even though this event is FREE for everyone to join, if you would like to receive even more personalized healing attention, outside of the 7 Free Guided Sessions, consider this offer… 

For just $97, you will receive extra healing for ALL 7 Days of Blessings.  

For those who are looking for more healing and more blessings, you have the opportunity to utilize multiple life-times of combined chanting energy focused solely on blessing your life – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Day and night, Master Lin and the Tibetan monks will bring you and your loved ones energetically into their healing healing circle for 7 Days, personally working on your unique challenges and wishes for the new year – or those of anyone or anything you would like. All week long! 

Traditionally, one might save up a long time just to have one monk say prayers for one day. Here, we have several monks saying prayers for 7 days, plus Master Lin sending Qi for 7 days. Even one day of this is very, very powerful for healing and transformation.  

You can also purchase a special personalized healing for your loved ones, for your pets, family, or even someone who is already moved on.

Purchase Additional Healing Personalized for YOU!

Note that one day of meditation healing with Master Lin is generally $95, so this is a “deal,” considering you have the monks, too. 

$97 Per Person for ALL 7 Days!

Personal Healings at discounted price are Valid ONLY for dates of the event (1/5/25 -1/11/25)

Good Karma

The cost to do so in only $97 per person (or beings) and this covers the full 7 days of personalized distance healing by Chunyi and the three Tibetan monks. Chunyi would like you to know that part of the fee will be donated to the monastery of the participating monks…and that certainly creates the cause for good karma!

What's Your Health Challenge?

If you are ready to begin your Personal Distance Healing, we’ll need some specific information from you including,  your Name, Age, Location, and What Health Challenges you are currently facing and all the other things you want Chunyi Lin and the monks to help you with. All information of course remains confidential.

Healing Stories

Oenta Gentry

These wondrous healing sessions mean a lot to me. From day one I felt a difference, even the cells in my body feel like they are vibrating differently. When I touch my skin, it feels different. A special energy seems to infuse my being and my being-ness. God bless you in all that you do.

A special P.S. – I love blessing the water. The blessed water versus unblessed water is a notable difference. I will be blessing and chanting over my water from now on.

Sandie Young

This has been a wonderful experience, Master Lin, I am so grateful for the plethora of energy that has filled my home, from the glorious chants the blessed monks, and yourself, are doing. They are very powerful, full of God’s holy energy. I am so grateful to have this opportunity to receive this wonderful healing energy. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!


With Love and Light,

Roseanne, Alexandria VA

Here’s my healing story during the 7 Days Blessing Meditation earlier this month.

At the beginning of the meditation, I was filled with anger about a specific thing so I pretty much cried and and ranted and didn’t stay on point meditating (well, from time to time I would). An interesting thing happened during the meditation. My dear dear brother Allan “went home” Jan 4, 2016. I’ve been thinking about him a lot lately and it didn’t occur to me that it was the anniversary of his passing. I’ve been going thru boxes and stuff to get my place ready to renovate and since Sunday kept getting a strong feeling to go thru one specific box. The feeling of Allan and checking out that box was so strong thru the meditation that I got that box out after. Allan always sent me the most beautiful cards, Papyrus, that usually didn’t have wording, just his written message which was generally short yet so loving and powerful. Guess what I found in the box????? An Allan card…..just what I needed, and it had butterflies on it!!!! So a really powerful message from Allan that just transformed my emotions from strong anger to being open to letting it go, And thanks to the meditation for planting the seed to go thru that box! That particular meditation and chanting was so specific for me.

The second amazing thing is that the anger I was feeling disappeared. I can’t quite remember when I realized the anger was gone, it might have been that night, perhaps the next day, but the anger, resentment, hurt is completely gone. I don’t feel ANY anger or hurt. Surprise, yes, at the animosity expressed. But no negative feelings. Completely healed. I feel so full of gratitude as I did not want to feel those negative emotions. And now they are gone. I think of Rong as she says completely healed and I do feel and I know that I am completely healed from that anger.

This is not my only Qigong healing but I’ll save the very first one for another email. It has to do with Master Tobey and what happened after I listened to his Truth meditation.


I wish to thank Chunyi Lin and the three Tibetan Buddhist Monks for the AMAZING healing energy all this week. This experience has brought deep healing, peace and wisdom. It started the first night of our meditation it was like a a doctor had applied paddles to start my heart. I have been so exhausted from trying to help my family through crises for the past 5 years I heve depleted myself on every level and constantly sick. My physical health has started to energize, my sinuses, throat and my lungs have been healing, opening and I am able to breathe more deeply. So much wisdom has come in dreams, and throughout the day of the fear I hold onto and what it is doing to me. With it tears releasing blocked pain that I buried deep inside during so many crises with my son as he has battled to continue on in this lifetime. This week I saw a miracle in him, he was laughing and coming out of his room to cook fresh healthy food and engage with us. For this miracle alone my heart overflows with love and gratitude. yt son is a young adult and for the first time I am surrendering to the Divine that I am not in control of his choices and realize how I have been making myself sick on so many levels as we have fought through this terror of losing him, trying to help him, and being constantly pushed away. As I fill with peace and unconditional love not worrying about the future or reliving past trauma, my whole family is transforming. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!

This amazing week has taught me so many tools to transform my life and enjoy each day surrendering in meditation calling on my Masters and the power of then being grateful and sending love to all in this world who also face challenges whether they are human, the land and waters, and all life forms. Yesterday morning when I walked into our living room after meditating with all of you our pet rabbit took one look at me and hid, I felt terrible for how scared he was. My husband said it was alright he just did not recognize my energy!!! The funny thing was that morning my soul came in strong in my meditation and I felt in alignment feeling that presence.

This has been a amazing transformative week!!!

Thank you with all my heart, many blessings to you all❤️

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