Strengthening Your Kidney Energy and Vitality


Qigong & Qi~ssage Tips for November


The importance of protecting and strengthening your kidney energy and vitality. There are several qigong and qi~ssge tips that can be very beneficial for your kidneys and vitality.



Qigong Movements for Increase Kidney Energy and Vitality



The Moving of Yin and Yang and the Breathing of the Universe active exercises that you’ll find in the Spring Forest Qigong Level 1 Qigong for Healing are great things to start with. Both are excellent for strengthening your internal organs and internal energy, including your kidneys and vitality.


If possible, it is best to do these movements standing with your knees bent a little. You can do both or either movement. You can do them everyday for a few minutes or thirty minutes or more at a time.



Qi~SSAGE to Strengthen You Kidney Energy



Massaging your feet and back are very good for your kidney energy. You can massage the entire foot. That is very helpful but please be sure to focus on the Bubbling Spring point on the bottom of your foot and the arch. These areas are the most beneficial to massage.


When you massage your feet always start with the left foot then do the right foot. Starting with the left helps you relax and sends a message to your brain to start releasing the body’s natural feel good hormone.


The other important thing to remember when massaging your feet or any part of the body is to first call upon your master’s energy, focus on your heart and see that love energy flowing through your hands into the area you are massaging. This makes your massage so much more powerful. Remember, love is the most powerful form of healing energy.


Massaging your stomach around the navel area, as you do in the Harvesting of Qi exercises in the Level 1 manual and SFQ Fundamentals is also very good to do this time of year.


Simply interlock your fingers and massage your stomach area in a circular, clockwise movement.


Massaging the back, especially the kidney area is also very beneficial for your kidney energy and vitality. It is easier to reach the lower back and kidney energy yourself, again, as you do in the Harvesting of Qi exercises. You may need a friend to massage the rest of your back.


If your feet and hands feel cold a lot of the time that means the liver energy is weak and that weakens the immune system. You definitely want a strong immune system in wintertime.


There is a point on the top of your foot you can massage that is very beneficial for your liver energy. Master Lin talks about this point in the Head to Toe Healing book.


The point is on the top of the foot where the bone of the big toe and second toe connect. Massaging this point activates the liver channel, which connects to many areas of the body. Massaging this point stimulates all of those areas as well.



Cupping is also very helpful. You should cup the kidney area, of course. Cupping the back of the neck at the base of the head is also very beneficial, especially for older people and anyone who has high blood pressure or heart issues.


If you are not familiar with cupping, it is very easy. You simply form your hand into a cup shape and cup or pat the area. Start out cupping gently and then cup more firmly as it feels good to you. You don’t need to do it hard.



One last thing you can do to stimulate your kidney energy is to use a sound that Master Lin writes about in the Head to Toe Healing manual as well. It is in Appendix A on page 117.


The sound is – Chueee. It is pronounced “choo-ee.” The ‘choo’ sound is shorter with the accent on the lengthened “eee’ sound.


The sound focuses on the kidneys and also the ears, reproductive organs and bladder.



Additional Resorces


Head to Toe Healing: Your Body's Repair Manual

76 Proven Self-Care Techniques You Can Do on Your Own

Master Chunyi Lin guides you in stimulating dozens of these special “energy points” to help you relieve so many common problems from the top of your head down to the bottom of your feet. Use these techniques to help yourself, your children, your friends, anyone. 


Spring Forest Qigong Level 1 for Health

Spring Forest Qigong for Health 

Self-Learning Course and Guided Practice with Master Chunyi Lin

Everything in the universe is a form of energy, including every cell in your body, and this is the fundamental principle of Spring Forest Qigong. Your body's energy is constantly in the process of transforming. Learn Spring Forest Qigong for Health to enhance your wellness.




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