Spring Forest Qigong for Macular Degeneration
Mary Grayson
~Pickford, MI [excerpt] "I had macular degeneration and at a visit to the doctor he told me it had turned wet and that it was quite severe and that it looked like I was going to lose my vision. He wanted to inject my eye with medication and I asked him to give me 2 months. And he asked me to check the grid everyday because he suspected I could lose my vision any day. During this 2 months I practiced a qigong exercise and used visualization. I visualized the m d leaving. I'd also seen the x-ray showing the color of the macular degeneration and I saw that going away and the clear eye. When I went back in 2 months and the wet macular degeneration was gone. So, then he wanted to see me in 3 months. I continued to do these exercises only the visualization. I visualized him telling me all the macular degeneration was gone. In 3 months when I went back all the macular degeneration was gone."