
Spring Forest Qigong for Fibromyalgia

Delta Wave Sleep

Ruth Staus

~Maplewood, MN Fibromyalgia –Spring Forest Qigong Healing Sessions Help Her Sleep Ruth Staus, RN, PhD, is a nurse practitioner. Every Wednesday night she volunteers to provide medical services for low-income people as part of a project called Love Grows Here at First Lutheran Church in St. Paul , MN . Several members of the Spring Forest Qigong International Guild ReachOut team, including Norma Solstad, also volunteer at Love Grows Here providing SFQ healing sessions. Ruth signed up for a qigong session. Had a good experience with the first one and kept signing up every week. Ruth has fibromyalgia and one of the challenges that come with that disease is difficulty sleeping. "Fibromyalgia patients are missing delta wave sleep and that's the sleep that makes you feel restored in the morning and we don't have that. I actually sleep quite well on Wednesday night's after I've had the qigong. It's my little treat for myself." Ruth says she's also developed a strong connection with Norma. "I can actually feel her energy." [At the end of Ruth's interview you can watch an edited version of Norma's SFQ healing session for Ruth. The video was shortened due to time limitations.]


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