The sacred sounds of Tibetan chants, combined with Master Chunyi Lin's guided meditation, provides us with the Power to Attain our Goals of a Safe, Healthy and Prosperous 2023. In the recitation of Tibetan ancient chants, sound is very important, for it can bring Transformation while leading one to Power and Strength.



Experience the Amazing Healing Power of the Medicine Buddha Sutra by Performing the Chant, or by simply Being in the Vibration of its Sound



Download the Medicine Budda Sutra




Bless your Home, Bless your Loved Ones, Bless your Life Potential

7- Day Blessing 2023 Recordings



    PURIFY and CLEANSE the Flow of Energy in your Home

   PROTECTION from fear based energies including stress, tension and worries

  PROSPERITY and ABUNADNCE in all areas of your life including your Business, Career, and Relationships 


Each of these ancient chants has a special purpose, from deep healing to karmic cleansing, carrying thousands of years of High Collective Consciousness as it was chanted for thousands of years by teachers and masters of the past.

Repeating these recordings throughout the year will provide you with continuous blessings, not just for yourself, but for everyone around you. 


Already have the 2023 Recordings?

Great! Keep practicing and Attend the LIVE Re-broadcast to Amplify your Qi-Field

If you DO NOT have the 2023 Recordings... 

Start using their power NOW!



7 Day Blessing Meditations 2023


7 Day Blessing Chanting Meditations 2023

14 Guided Meditations with Master Chunyi Lin and the Tibetan Monks

$249 MP3 Audio Download

Order the 2023 7-Day Blessing Chanting Meditation Recordings



 The Six Words  Ong, Ma, Lee, Bae, Mae, and Hong come together in combination to help BALANCE the energy throughout they body and help CONNECT you to the HEALING ENERGY OF THE UNIVERSE



1st Sound -


"Ong" relates to the heart of wisdom. This is the wisdom of the universe.  The "Ong" sound can help with problems in the eyes, the ears, the nose, and with all kinds of headaches and head problems.

2nd & 3rd Sound - 'Ma Lee'

"Ma Lee" is associated with the constant flux of a person’s heart, connecting out hearts to the heart of the life force energy.  This sounds can ease throat, shoulder, elbow, heart or lungs problems. .

4th & 5th Sound - 'Bae Mae'

"Bae Mae" is associated with the purity of the heart or the emptiness or nothingness in which the universe originated.  This sounds can help with spine, back, kidney, stomach, and intestinal issues.

6th Sound - 'Hong'

"Hong" means enlightenment that flourishes from within the wisdom of the Universe. This sound can help heal joints and leg problems.




The Power of the Ancient Chanting




Physical, Mental and Spiritual Healing Benefits


Restore Balance to Body and Mind

Sound carries all the information of life. When you feel every cell in your body is chanting the same sound, you awaken the energy information from the very beginning of your life, connecting you back to the source, to the Divine, bringing balance to your entire body, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Awakening of our Inner Heart

Using Buddha's wisdom, to go deeper into the Heart level, to the Universal level, to help you to heal your physical, mental, and spiritual challenges.

Align with Positive and Healing Thoughts

When the brain focuses on a chant it doesn’t have any room to allow unconscious thoughts or negative self-beliefs to infiltrate your body, mind, or soul. The act of repeating a word, statement, or sound is highly beneficial for one's whole wellbeing. It can even change the way your mind works and create connections by rewiring your brain. 


Align with Life-Force Energy (Qi)

“Qi” means “life force” or the “universal life force” that flows through everything. 

The power of sound through chanting aligns you with this energy, clearing out any stagnant energy, stuck spaces, or states of being that stand between you and a healthy, enlightened life. 

Chanting in Higher Dimension 

Chanting is a ancient practice combining the power of words, sounds, vibration, and frequency, to bring together the mind, body and heart, --that is the Power of Chanting.

Experiencing Now!

Reach a Higher level of Enlightenment and Spiritual Healing, to better understand yourself and the world around you.  Experience more "Enlightening" moments in your life!





The Power of Sound - Chanting


Sound is one of the fundamental energies of the Universe. A Beautiful gift you were born with to help you heal, balance, and go to a higher level to develop your spirituality. Using the power of sound in meditation to bring about healing has been used since the beginning of time. Even the Big Bang was basically the first sound in the universe. When the Big Bang occurred, the vibration, the frequency from this explosion, is the Om sound, a energy signature we are still carrying in our body.





Chanting for Healing

Chanting opens the Spiritual Channels first before it goes to the Physical level to Heal your Physical Body, even faster!


Why is this so? 



When you chant, you chant slowly and gently, you feel in every cell of your body is chanting the same sound.

Then, gradually you FEEL this vibration, this tone, vibrating through your entire body, bringing you back to the source, to the Divine, Awakening the Energy information and Messages from the very beginning of life, and with these messages the Intelligence (Qi) in the body wakes up.

All of a sudden the intelligence tells you if your elbow gets injured, it's because there is a blockage in the shoulders, that energy runs to the shoulders and opens the blockage right away for you. That is the power of chanting-- It goes to the spiritual level and then to the physical level to manifest your health.





Benefits of Qigong Chanting Meditation




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