The Wisdom Behind the Energy Almanac




What is the Energy Almanac?

Energy Almanacs like this one have been in use for thousands of years.

             If you practice Spring Forest Qigong, then you already know that, according to both modern science and the ancient Chinese science of Qigong, everything is energy. Every cell, every thought, every rock, and every star is a kind of energy. Both sciences also agree that, although energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can be transformed. In fact, it is always transforming.

             Like the Energy Almanac, Qigong (which means “working with energy”) also goes back thousands of years, to ancient China. Both are offshoots of the same central line of study of Taoist scientist-sages.

             Everything has a rhythm and a cycle.

             This is true on the small scale of the human body, from the life of its organs to the life of the whole human being. It is true on the scale of the Earth itself, with its days, months, and seasons. And it is true on the scale of solar systems and galaxies. The cycle behind all these cycles, the rhythm within all these rhythms, governing everything and everyone, has been called “the Way” – or, in ancient China, “Tao.”

             Taoists studied this Way, then used their understanding to harmonize human life with it. This helped them to attain longevity and spiritual growth, and gave birth to many sciences still in use today. Qigong is one. The science behind the Energy Almanac is another. Whereas Qigong (especially the kind Spring Forest Qigong teaches) studies and works with energy and its transformation for the purpose of healing, the Energy Almanac applies the understanding of energy to the whole realm of human activity.

             Quite simply, just as every thing is a kind of energy, every activity is a kind of energy. Every activity has an energy signature.

             This Energy Almanac helps you to find the best time to begin or to end some of the most important activities you will engage in as a human, from marriage, to buying a home, to signing a contract or deciding to have a child. It helps you to harmonize your activities with the predictable energetic patterns of the universe. In this way, you ensure your success (or lessen the possibility of your failure).

             Taoism and Qigong speak of a trinity, the “Three Powers” of Heaven, Earth, and Humanity. All are equally powerful. This kind of Energy Almanac is based on what are traditionally called “the Ten Heavenly Stems” and “the Twelve Earthly Branches.” The Heavenly Stems are kinds of cosmic energy. The Earthly Branches are kinds of natural energy on the planet. Humans stand between Heaven and Earth, and are receivers, transformers, and harmonizers of their energies.

             Practices like Qigong and the help of Energy Almanacs like this one help humans to maintain and enhance the harmonious flow of energy within and around them, giving rise to such benefits for themselves as health, longevity, prosperity, and happiness.

             A few notes for use of this Energy Almanac...

             One, each year’s calculations repeat every 60 years, based on the cycling of universal energies.

             Two, this kind of Almanac was developed by people living in China, which is in the Northern Hemisphere. All the calculations have been made relative to that position on the planet; therefore, the Almanac is accurate only for the Northern Hemisphere.

             Three, this Almanac lists “Dos” and “Donts.” That simply means that on a given day, taking into account the confluence of many energies, the overall energy is more or less supportive than usual of the listed activities. In Spring Forest Qigong, we talk about “good, better, best.” Here, the Almanac is showing you the “best.”

             Four, sometimes the same activity is listed both under “Dos” and “Donts.” That is not a mistake. In reality, even within one day, the hours follow a predictable sequence and cycle of energy. Therefore, the same activity may be supported (for example) during the noon hour, but not during the 5:00 pm hour of the same day. These kinds of calculations become very complex very quickly. We have kept with tradition by including the activities in both “Dos” and “Donts”; those who want more exact, personalized information would need to consult an expert.

             It is our sincere wish that this Energy Almanac will help you and those you love to live healthier, happier, and more prosperous lives while also serving Spring Forest Qigong’s vision of “a healer in every home and a world without pain and suffering.”





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