The Way of Tea

About Master Lin’s Favorite Teas


tea growers in field


Benefits of High Mountain Oolong & Green Tea


Tea harvested in the high mountains.


High Mountain Oolong and green tea contains medicinal factors known as "adaptogens," which adapt our body's vital functions to maintain a healthy state of equilibrium. The balancing effect is usually strongest in the bloodstream, helping regulate blood pressure, better balance blood sugar, and preventing the thickening of the blood.

High Mountain Oolong and green tea also alkalizes our digestive tract, bloodstream, and cellular fluids, neutralizing the acidity that can cause degenerative conditions. Blood and tissue acidity is the primary cause of loss of calcium from the bones and teeth, which can lead to osteoporosis and tooth decay. Drinking high mountain oolong and green tea daily helps prevent these conditions as well as other health problems associated with calcium deficiencies.

Other High Mountain Oolong & Green Tea benefits:

  • Circulates the body's qi and strengthens the internal organs.
  •  Clears and calms the mind because of the amino acid in tea.
  • Drinking tea is meditative and helps those who are stressed or anxious.
  •  Is low in caffeine
  • National Cancer Institute researchers are studying tea for possible use in the prevention and treatment of a variety of cancers
  • Is anti-bacterial and helps prevent cavities
  • Is rich in anti-oxidants which are cell protectors and help fight aging




The way of tea Cultivating Cha Dao.

'The Way of Tea'


For those who practice Qigong, "The Way of Tea" becomes a way of life. The process of preparing and appreciating tea develops a way of appreciating life. The art of tea, the Cha Dao –The Way of Tea, embraces the most basic elements of nature--earth, air, fire, water, wood. The appreciation of the harmony of these energies produces the same harmonies in our small universe...


tea scales



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