In-Person Qigong Healing Session




Our world is changing, and more and more people like you are discovering that they can participate body, mind, and spirit in transforming health conditions back to wellness.

If you’ve just discovered you have a health challenge, or if you’ve been looking for a way to recover from a long-term illness involving physical or emotional pain, we invite you to explore the simple power of moving energy in your own body while a Master Healer facilitates your journey back to wellness.

One of the best ways to get started on the journey is to know where you want to go; most of the time, people tell you what you need before they hear what you really want.

The SFQ Healing Center


Spring Forest Qigong Healing Center





Initial Appointment


Spring Forest Qigong Healing Center has designed a new initial appointment that we know will empower you to reach your healing and wellness goals! We offer a 90-minute Initial Appointment at our Healing Center.

*To help us best understand and serve individual needs, all new clients must have an initial appointment before scheduling their first individual Qigong Healing session.


The Initial Appointment follows a Seven-Fold Path to Health:


01Understand what your health or healing goal is. If you’re not sure, we work with you to find that goal.

02Healer will work on detecting your body's current state of health and vitality, as well as its energy patterns, so we have a starting place from which to track your progress. Everyone of us is unique, energetic speaking or Qi speaking.

03Learn Spring Forest Qigong Healing Movements face-to-face and receive coaching.

04Experience a SFQ energy stimulation called Qi~ssage.

05Receive a Qigong session with a Certified Master or Certified Master Healer to clear and balance your body's energy.

06Design a customized program of energy, balance, movement and self-empowerment to help you experience the physical healing and emotional freedom you're looking for.

07Receive recommendations for your personal qigong practice and for healing sessions at our Center.





Qigong Healing Session


During your Qigong Healing session, a Spring Forest Qigong Certified Master or Healer moves his or her hand several inches from your body to detect and to help remove energy blockages. This is a no-physical-touch session. To further benefit your progress, active exercises, healing meditations or Qi~ssage sessions may be suggested.

The healer will come into the room quietly during your session. All you need to do is remain quiet and meditate while the healer is working on detecting and removing your body's energy blockages. At the end of your session, the healer will let you know when he or she is finished. The healer will let you know what they found, then recommend simple and easy-to-follow Qi-tips for self-healing.


Ultimate Healing Session

Qi~ssage + Qigong Healing Session Combo


This 50-minute session includes full session of Qi~ssage and full session of Qigong Healing.





We want to help. Calling us at +1-952-593-5555





Learn More About Our Healing Center Services






Cancellation Policy:


Full refund if you cancel 24 business hours or more before your appointment

50% charge if you cancel in less than 24 hours or do not show


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